

Keynote Speeches & Invited Talks

[Feb. 2025] Speaker, G7 Transnational Repression (TNR) Dialogue, Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
[Nov. 2024] Guest Lecturer, Data Mining and Machine Learning for Crime Investigation, Aston University, Birmingham, UK
[Nov. 2024] Invited Speaker, Foreign Interference in Canadian Academic & Research Communities, Alberta Research Security Community of Practice, Canada
[Nov. 2024] Submitted a brief on research resoruce allocation, Standing Committee on Sciecne and Research, The House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada
[Nov. 2024] Invited Speaker, Machine Learning for Cybersecurity and Privacy, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
[Nov. 2024] Invited Speaker, Machine Learning for Cybersecurity and Privacy, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
[Oct. 2024] Witness on misinformation and disinformation, Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (ETHI), The House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada
[Sept. 2024] Invited Speaker, Foreign Interference in Canada's Academia, University of Toronto - Canada-US Research Security Virtual Workshop sponsored by Global Affairs Canada - Centre for China Policy Research
[Sept. 2024] Invited Speaker, Foreign Interference in Canada's Academia and Democratic Process, Fall Annual Meeting, Canadian Heads of Electrical and Computer Engineering (CHECE)
[Aug. 2024] Invited Speaker, Data Mining and Machine Learning, Global Specialist Training Program in Culture Technology (CT) - "MR Space Computing-Based AX Authoring Technology and Immersive Content Development Global Specialist Training", Oshawa, Canada
[Aug. 2024] Guest Lecturer, Data Mining and Machine Learning for Crime Investigation, Aston University, Birmingham, UK
[Aug. 2024] Invited Speaker, Explainable AI for Malware Analysis, NSERC CREATE Responsible AI, Canada
[Jul. 30, 2024] Panelist, Social Media and Foreign Interference: How TikTok and WeChat Can Influence, Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC)
[Jun. 18, 2024] Panelist, Foreign Interference, Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC)
[Jun. 14, 2024] Discussant, 2024 Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA), Workshops on National Security and Intelligence (Special Session on Research Security, Plenary Session on Foreign Interference, Special Session on Foreign Interference), Montreal, Canada
Host: Christian Leuprecht, Royal Military College & Queen's University
Discussant: Benjamin Fung
Guests: RCMP, Public Safety, CSIS, Martha Crago, Michael Chong, Sam Cooper, and Sarah-Maude Lefebvre.
[Jun. 4, 2024] Witness on research security, Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (SECU), The House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada
[Mar, 2024] Guest Lecturer, Data Mining for Privacy Protection and Authorship Analysis, Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, Canada
[Nov. 2023] Invited Speaker, Under the Shadow: Unpacking Foreign Interference in Canada, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Montreal, Canada
[Nov. 2023] Invited Speaker, Machine Learning for Cybersecurity and Privacy, Concordia University Cybersecurity Research Center Distinguished Seminar Series, Montreal, Canada
[Nov. 2023] Panelist, AI and Information Security for a Sustainable Future, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing & Information Security (ICSPIS), United Arab Emirates
[Nov. 2023] Keynote Speaker, presented Machine Learning for Cybersecurity and Privacy, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing & Information Security (ICSPIS), United Arab Emirates
[Nov. 2023] Panelist, Covert Action, Direct Action, and Foreign Interference, The Future of Intelligence in a Post-Truth World, Canadian Association for Security Intelligence Studies (CASIS) 2023 Annual Symposium, Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Canada.
[Nov. 2023] PanelistForeign Interference, Ontario Tech University, Canada
[Nov. 2023] Panelist, presented Foreign Interference in Canada’s Academics and Diasporas, Human-Centric Cybersecurity Partnership (HC2P), Canada
[Oct. 2023] Opening Speaker, McGill Data Anonymization Workshop Series, Canada
[Sept. 2023] Witness on research security, Standing Committee on Science and Research (SRSR), The House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada [letter]
[July 2023] Invited Speaker, presented Machine Learning for Cybersecurity and Privacy, University of Tokyo, Japan
[July 2023] Invited Speaker, presented Machine Learning for Cybersecurity and Privacy, Hokkaido University, Japan
[July 2023] Invited Speaker, presented Machine Learning for Cybersecurity and Privacy, Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan
[July 2023] Invited Speaker, presented Machine Learning for Cybersecurity and Privacy, National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT), Taiwan
[May 2023] Invited Speaker, presented Biases in AI Used to Preserve National Security, National Security Transparency Advisory Group Meeting, Public Safety, Canada
[May 2023] Keynote Speaker, presented Machine Learning for Authorship and Malware Analyses, University of Dubai, United Arab Emirates
[Apr. 2023] Panelist, presented China’s Weaponization of Disinformation to Undermine Democracy in the Free World, The Weaponization of Disinformation in Canada Conference, University of Waterloo, Canada
[Apr. 2023] Invited Speaker, presented Irresponsible AI: Digital Authoritarian is Coming to Town, NSERC CREATE Responsible AI
[Apr. 2023] Panelist, National Pensions Conference - Locking in Privacy Protections, Lancaster House
[Mar. 2023] Invited Speaker, presented Introduction to AI and Data Mining, Health Canada
[Feb. 2023] Panelist, Foreign Interference in Canadian Universities, Research Security Conference, University of Waterloo, Canada
[Jan. 2023] Invited Speaker, presented China’s Digital Tactics and Interference in Canada – Democratic Process and Academics in the Human-Centric Cybersecurity Partnership (HC2P), Canada
[Dec. 2022] Keynote Speaker, presented Machine Learning for Authorship and Malware Analyses in the 17th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS), Sousse, Tunisia
[Nov. 2022] Guest Lecturer, presented Introduction to Database and Machine Learning, INFS617, School of Information Studies, McGill University
[Nov. 2022] Panelist, presented Foreign Digital Tactics and Interference in Canada, Conference on Emerging Technologies in Crisis, Royal Military College Saint-Jean
[Oct. 2022] Invited Speaker, presented Privacy-preserving data publishing, Montreal Data Systems meet Data Science Workshop (DSDS)
[Oct. 2022] Invited Speaker, presented Big hacker is watching you, McGill IT Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
[Sept. 2022] Guest Lecturer, presented Introduction to Data Mining, INFS601, School of Information Studies, McGill University
[May 2022] Invited Speaker, presented Privacy-preserving data publishing, NSERC CREATE Responsible AI
[Apr. 2022] Invited Speaker, presented AI-powered Assembly Code Analytics for Discerning Malware Intent, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)
[Apr. 2022] Invited Speaker, presented Cybersecurity: Best Practices, McGill Community for Lifelong Learning
[Apr. 2022] Invited Speaker, presented The Role of AI in Cybersecurity: Challenges and Opportunities, AI Security Day, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expo Korea
[Dec. 2021] Invited Speaker, presented Machine Learning for Authorship Analysis and Malware Analysis, Cyber Center Talk, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
[Nov. 2021] Invited Speaker, presented Machine Learning for Authorship Analysis and Malware Analysis, Joint Cybersecurity and Resilience Initiative (CRI) and Identity, Privacy and Security Institute (IPSI) Public Lecture, University of Toronto, Canada
[Nov. 2021] Guest Lecturer, presented Professional Values of Data Scientists, GLIS601, School of Information Studies, McGill University
[Nov. 2021] Guest Lecturer, presented Introduction to Data Mining and Machine Learning, GLIS617, School of Information Studies, McGill University
[Jun. 2021] Panelist, presented Security and Privacy in Smart Cities, Future of Privacy Forum, United States
[May 2021] Invited Speaker, presented Data Mining and Machine Learning for Assembly Code Analysis. Centre for Operational Research and Analysis (CORA), Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)
[Dec. 2020] Invited Speaker, presented Machine Learning for Authorship and Malware Analyses, Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal
[Dec. 2020] Guest Lecturer, presented Professional Values of Data Scientists, GLIS601, School of Information Studies, McGill University
[Nov. 2020] Guest Lecturer, presented Introduction to Data Mining and Machine Learning, GLIS617, School of Information Studies, McGill University
[Jun. 2020] Panelist, Mini-SÉRI Économique, Montreal, Canada. This is an networking event between City of Montreal representatives and university researchers.
[Mar. 2020] Invited speaker, presented AI for Cyber Security and Investigations in Calgary Police Service Cybercrime Summit, Canada. The event was organized by Calgary Police.
[Feb. 2020] Invited speaker, presented Influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Canada in the Leadersphère 2020 conference on "Le leadership canadien à l’horizon 2025" at the Royal Military College Saint-Jean, Canada.
[Jan. 2020] Keynote speaker, presented How hacking works, who profits from our private data, and what we can do to protect ourselves in Atwater Library and Computer Centre, Montreal, Canada.
[Jan. 2020] Panelist, presented Infiltration of the Chinese Communist Party: from Hong Kong to Canada in the panel of Human Rights, Communist China and Canadian Democracy, Montreal, Canada. The event was organized by The Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS).
[Jan. 2020] Invited speaker, presented Data Mining for Cybersecurity at Soup and Science, Faculty of Science, McGill University
[Dec. 2019] Invited speaker, presented Data Mining and Machine Learning for Authorship and Malware Analyses at Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan.
[Jun. 2019] Invited speaker, presented Data Mining and Machine Learning for Authorship and Malware Analyses in the 2019 Policy and Data Science Program (PODS), Max Bell School of Public Policy, McGill University.
[Jun. 2019] Keynote speaker, presented Data Mining and Machine Learning for Authorship and Malware Analyses + A New Project in Fields Institute's Centre for Quantitative Analysis and Modelling (CQAM) Public Lecture and Workshop on Machine Learning in the Presence of Class Imbalance, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
[May 2019] Invited speaker, presented Recent Advancements of Artificial Intelligence in McGill Arts Research Event Series: Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Canada.
[May 2019] Keynote speaker, presented The Role of AI in Cybersecurity at 2019 Explore the Next Cyber Taiwan: International Cybersecurity Event for Startups, Industrial Technology Research Institute  (ITRI), Taipei, Taiwan.
[Apr. 2019] Invited speaker, presented Data Mining and Machine Learning for Authorship and Malware Analyses + A New Project at Université Laval, Quebec, Canada.
[Mar. 2019] Keynote speaker, presented Data Mining for Privacy Protection and Authorship Analysis + A New Project at Queen's University, Ontario, Canada.
[Feb. 2019] Invited speaker, presented Data Mining and Machine Learning for Cybersecurity + New Project in McGill AI Society, Canada.
[Dec. 2018] Guest lecturer, presented Databases and Data Mining in GLIS 617 Information Systems Design at School of Information Studies, McGill University
[Nov. 2018] Guest lecturer, presented Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing in GLIS 690 Information Policy at School of Information Studies, McGill University
[Nov. 2018] Keynote speaker, presented Sharing, Integrating, and Mining Person-specific Information in the Information Studies Congress hosted by the Institute of Library and Information Research (IIBI) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico
[Oct. 2017] Invited speaker, presented Data Mining for Privacy Protection, Authorship Analysis, and Malware Analysis at Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
[Sept. 2017] Invited speaker, presented Data Mining for Privacy Protection, Authorship Analysis, and Malware Analysis at National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
[Sept. 2017] Invited speaker, presented Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing (Part II) at Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
[Jul. 2017] Invited speaker, presented Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing (Part I) at Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
[Jun. 2017] Invited speaker, presented Data Mining for Privacy Protection, Authorship Analysis, and Malware Analysis in RIKEN, Japan
[May 2017] Invited speaker, presented Data Mining for Privacy Protection, Authorship Analysis, and Reverse Engineering in a seminar prepared for the RBC Research Institute, McGill University
[Mar. 2017] Guest lecturer, presented Data Mining for Privacy Protection, Authorship Analysis, and Reverse Engineering in COMP-551 Applied Machine Learning at School of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, McGill University
[Feb. 2017] Invited speaker, presented Data Mining Workshop: Classification Analysis in Colloquium at School of Information Studies, McGill University
[Jan. 2017] Invited speaker, presented Data Mining for Privacy Protection, Authorship Analysis, and Reverse Engineering in Colloquium at School of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, McGill University
[Jan. 2017] Invited speaker, presented Data Mining for Cybersecurity at Soup and Science, Faculty of Science, McGill University
[Nov. 2016] Voluntary speaker, presented Sustainable Smart Cities at Sustainability Sciences and Technologies Initiative (SSTI), McGill University
[Oct. 2016] Invited speaker, presented Privacy-Preserving Data Mining + Authorship Analysis at Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.
[Sept. 2016] Invited speaker, presented Data Mining for Privacy Protection, Crime Investigation, and Malware Analysis at University of New York Abu Dhabi (NYUAB).
[Jul. 2016] Invited panelist, discussed about The State of Data in the 20th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS), Montreal. (Panelists include Maude Bonenfant, Drew Desai, Benjamin Fung, M. Tamer Ozsu, and Jeffrey David Ullman) [Media]
[Jun. 2016] Invited speaker, presented Privacy-preserving Health Data Sharing + Kam1n0: Assembly Clone Search for Reverse Engineering at Informatique Cognitive 2016 in Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).
[May 2016] Invited speaker, presented Big Data and Cybersecurity from a Research Perspective: Assembly Clone Search for Reverse Engineering at Hitachi Above Security’s Annual Conference.
[Apr. 2016] Invited speaker, presented Kam1n0: Assembly Clone Search for Reverse Engineering in Smart Cybersecurity Network (NCE SERENE-RISC).
[Mar. 2016] Guest lecturer, presented Introduction to Data Mining in GLIS 673 Bioinformatics Resources at School of Information Studies, McGill University.
[Nov. 2015] Invited speaker, presented Applying Data Mining to Real-life Crime Investigation at Zayed University, Abu Dhabi.
[Jul. 2015] Invited speaker, presented Applying Data Mining to Real-life Crime Investigation at Dalian Nationalities University.
[Jul. 2015] Invited speaker, presented Applying Data Mining to Real-life Crime Investigation at Fudan University.
[Jul. 2015] Invited speaker, presented Applying Data Mining to Real-life Crime Investigation at Zhejiang University.
[Jul. 2015] Invited speaker, presented Applying Data Mining to Real-life Crime Investigation at Zhejiang Gongshang University.
[Jun. 2015] Invited speaker, presented Applying Data Mining to Real-life Crime Investigation at The University of Tokyo.
[Jun. 2015] Invited speaker, presented Applying Data Mining to Real-life Crime Investigation at The University of British Columbia (UBC).
[Mar. 2015] Keynote speaker, presented Applying Data Mining to Real-life Crime Investigation in McGill Business and Technology Conference.
[Nov. 2014] Invited speaker, presented AuthorMiner: E-mail Authorship Analysis in Future of Identity Workshop, City University of London, UK.
[Jul. 2014] Invited speaker, presented Applying Data Mining to Real-life Crime Investigation in International Summer Institute on Web Science and the Mind at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences (ICS) at the Université du Québec à Montreal (UQaM) in cooperation with the Web Science Group at University of Southampton (Sponsored by Microsoft Research).
[May. 2014] Invited speaker, presented Applying Data Mining to Real-life Crime Investigation at Université Laval, Quebec, Canada.
[Mar. 2014] Invited speaker, presented Applying Data Mining to Real-life Crime Investigation at the School of Information Studies, McGill University, Canada.
[Mar. 2014] Invited speaker, presented AuthorMiner: E-mail Authorship Analysis in the Digital Humanities seminar, McGill University, Canada.
[Dec. 2013] Invited speaker, presented Applying Data Mining to Real-life Crime Investigation at the School of Computer Science, McGill University, Canada.
[Oct. 2013] Invited speaker, presented AuthorMiner: E-mail Authorship Analysis at the 29th General Meeting of Messaging, Malware, and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG), Montreal, Canada.
[Apr. 2013] Invited speaker, presented Sharing, Integrating, and Mining Person-Specific Information at the School of Information Studies, McGill University, Canada.
[Aug. 2013] Invited speaker, presented Applying Data Mining Techniques to Real-life Crime Investigation at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
[2011] Invited speaker, presented Privacy-Preserving Health Information Sharing and Integration at the School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo, Canada
[Oct. 2011] Invited speaker, presented Authorship Analysis in E-Crimes Summit 2011
[Dec. 2010] Invited speaker, presented Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing in the Department of Management Sciences, University of Waterloo, Canada
[Dec. 19. 2010] Comment on Google on CBC National News
(News from Privacy Commissioner)
[Oct. 2008] Invited speaker, presented Authorship Identification for E-mail Forensics at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
[Oct. 2008] Invited speaker, presented Authorship Identification for E-mail Forensics in the IBM Centers for Advanced Studies Conference (CASCON 2008).
[Sept. 2008] Invited speaker, presented Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing at Hong Kong Baptist University.
[Mar. 2008] Presented Anonymity for Continuous Publishing in the 11th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2008).
[Jul. 2007] Presented Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing, Ph.D. thesis defense at Simon Fraser University.
[Apr. 2007] Invited speaker, presented Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing at Concordia University.
[Apr. 2007] Invited speaker, presented Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing at Stevens Institute of Technology.
[Apr. 2007] Invited speaker, presented Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing at San José State University.
[Mar. 2007] Invited speaker, presented Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
[Mar. 2007] Invited speaker, presented Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing at University of Alabama.
[Feb. 2007] Invited speaker, presented Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing at Penn State University.
[Dec. 2005] Presented Template-Based Privacy Preservation in Classification Problems in the Database and Data Mining Lab Seminar at Simon Fraser University.
[Nov. 2005] Presented Privacy-Preserving Data Mining in the Advanced Graduate Seminar at Simon Fraser University.
[May 2005] Presented Integrating Private Databases for Data Analysis in the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 2005).
[Apr. 2005] Presented Top-Down Specialization for Information and Privacy Preservation in the 21st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2005).
[Mar. 2005] Presented Top-Down Specialization for Information and Privacy Preservation in the Showcase of Simon Fraser University Graduate Research.
[Nov. 2004] Presented Hierarchical Document Clustering Using Frequent Itemsets in CMPT-741 Database Systems at Simon Fraser University.
[May 2003] Presented Hierarchical Document Clustering Using Frequent Itemsets in the 3rd SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2003).