


Total acquired amount as a PI: CAD 8,710,336

Year 2032
[107] Co-I, FRQS réseaux thématiques de recherche (Apr. 2024~Mar. 2032)
Réseau AIRS, air, intersectorialité, recherche respiratoire et sonore
Year 2029
[106] Principal investigator, NSERC Discovery Grants (Apr. 2024~Mar. 2029)
Deep Learning for National Security: Firmware Security and Disinformation Campaign Characterization
Year 2027
[104] Co-investigator, National Cybersecurity Consorstium (NCC) (Nov. 2024~Oct. 2027)
Combatting Cyber Influence Operations in Online Social Media
PI: Djedjiga Mouheb
(My %: 25% = C$121,469)
[103] Co-investigator, NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program (Sept. 2021~Aug. 2027)
Responsible Development of AI
PI: Ebrahim Bagheri
(My %: 7.15% = C$118,000)
[102] Principal investigator, National Cybersecurity Consortium (NCC) Cyber Security Innovation Network Call 1 (Jun. 2023~Mar. 2027)
Hybrid Master's Program in Cybersecurity Analytics
Year 2026
[101] Co-investigator, Abu Dhabi University (Nov. 2024~Oct. 2026)
A Novel Framework to Detect and Mitigate Adversarial Attacks on Large Language Models (LLMs)
PI: Heba Ismail, Abu Dhabi University, UAE
(McGill's portion: C$0)
[100] Co-investigator, National Cybersecurity Consortium (NCC) Cyber Security Innovation Network Call 1 (Jun. 2023~Mar. 2026)
The run-time security of Android automotive infotainment system
PI: Natalia Stakhanova, University of Saskatchewan
(McGill's portion: C$156,400)
[99] Co-investigator, FRQNT Team Research Project (Apr. 2023~Mar. 2026)
Topic: La fonction du récepteur NMDA dans le traitement de l’information sociale
PI: Tak Pan Wong
[98] Principal investigator, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) (Nov. 2021~Oct. 2026)
Research areas: AI, Software Engineering and Cybersecurity
[97] Co-investigator, SSHRC Partnership Grants (Apr. 2021~Mar. 2026)
The Human-Centric Cybersecurity Partnership
PI: Benoit Dupont
Year 2025
[96] Principal investigator, NSERC Alliance Grants (Jun. 15, 2021~Jun. 14, 2024) with Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) and BlackBerry.
Topic: Defending our cyberspace: AI-powered search engine for cyber threat intelligence
[95] Principal investigator,  Shizuoka University Cooperative Research at Research Center of Biomedical Engineering, Japan (Apr. 2024~Mar. 2025)
Research topic: Augmented Data Glove for Advanced Hand and Finger Motion Interactions
JPY 280,000 = C$2,439
[94] Principal investigator, Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Data Mining for Cybersecurity (Apr. 2020~Mar. 2025)
Defending Canadian cyberspace and freedom of expression
Year 2024
[93] Principal investigator, MITACS (Dec. 2022~Nov. 2024) with Fédération des caisses Desjardins.
Topic: A Novel Machine Learning Framework for Advanced Attack Detection
[92] Principal investigator, MITACS (May 2023~Aug. 2024) with Clinia.
Topic: Personnalisation d’un moteur de recherche en santé
[91] Principal investigator, MITACS (Jan. 2023~Jun. 2024) with Ericsson Canada Inc.
Topic: Privacy-preserving cookie synchronization for web browsing
[90] Principal investigator,  Shizuoka University Cooperative Research at Research Center of Biomedical Engineering, Japan (Apr. 2023~Mar. 2024)
Research topic: Augmented Data Glove for Advanced Hand and Finger Motion Interactions
JPY 180,000 = C$2,070
[89] Principal investigator, NSERC Discovery Grants (Individual) (Apr. 2018~Mar. 2024)
Topic: Deep Learning for Cybersecurity: Assembly Code and Authorship Analytics 
[88] Co-investigator, FRQNT Team Research Project (2021~2024)
Topic: Atténuation résiliente, détection et contrôle de la récupération des infrastructures critiques sujettes à des cyberattaques et intrusions malveillantes
PI: Khashayar Khorasani
[87] Principal investigator, The Human-Centric Cybersecurity Partnership (HC2P) mini-grants funding award, SSHRC (Apr. 2023~Mar. 2024)
Topic: China’s Weaponization of Disinformation to Undermine Democracy in Canada
Simon Hogue, Royal Military College Saint-Jean
Year 2023
[86] Principal investigator, Shizuoka University Cooperative Research at Research Center of Biomedical Engineering, Japan (Apr. 2022~Mar. 2023)
Research topic: AI Data Glove Enhancements for Advanced Hand and Finger Motion Tracking and Analysis
JPY 300,000 = C$2,986
[85] Principal investigator, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) (Apr. 2018~Mar. 2023)
Research areas: Data Mining, Software Engineering and Cybersecurity
Year 2022
[84] Principal investigator, DND IDEaS (Feb. 2021~Mar. 2022)
Topic: AI-powered Assembly Code Analytics for Discerning Malware Intent. (The objective of this project is to categorize malicious software.)
[83] Co-investigator, FRQSC Programme intersectoriel Audace (Apr. 2020~Mar. 2022)
Topic: Vers une transformation des pratiques de formation professionnelle des commissaires aux libérations conditionnelles à l'aide d’Agents Virtuels Autonomes
PI: Jean-Pierre Guay (University of Montreal)
[82] Scientific Team Participant, CFI Cyberinfrastructure Initiative (2019~2022)
Topic: LINCS: Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship
PI: Susan Brown (University of Guelph)
[81] Co-applicant,  Fields-CFI Workshop on the Mathematics and Statistics of Anti-Money Laundering
PI: David Saunders
[80] Principal investigator,  Shizuoka University Cooperative Research at Research Center of Biomedical Engineering, Japan (Apr. 2021~Mar. 2022)
Research topic: AI Data Glove Enhancements for Advanced Hand and Finger Motion Tracking and Analysis
JPY 180,000 = C$2,070
Year 2021
[79] Co-investigator, Networks of Centres of Excellence of Canada Knowledge Mobilization (NCE-KM)
Topic: Smart Cybersecurity Network (SERENE-RISC)  (2018~2021)
[78] Principal investigator, DND/NSERC Discovery Grants (Apr. 2018~Mar. 2021)
Research areas: Machine Learning and Software Engineering
Year 2020
[77] Principal investigator, DND IDEaS (Jul. 2019~Feb. 2020)
Topic: AI-powered Assembly Code Analytics for Discerning Malware Intent
Success rate: 45/168 = 27%
[76] Principal investigator, Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Data Mining for Cybersecurity (Apr. 2015~Mar. 2020)
Digging into big, sensitive, and malicious data
[75] Co-investigator, Zayed University Research Contract (Mar. 2017~Dec. 2020)
Securing Critical Cyber Infrastructures for Smart Cities
[74] Co-investigator, Hong Kong General Research Fund (GRF) (Sept. 2017~Aug. 2020)
Topic: Joint Embedding of Sequential Data and Knowledge Graphs with Application to Predictive Analytics in Healthcare
HK$500,000 = C$82,215
[73] Co-applicant, SSHRC Partnership Development Grants (2017~2020)
Real Time Impact Signalling and Collective Goods
[72] Co-researcher, CIHR-FRQS-MSSS SPOR Infrastructure Grant (Apr. 2015~Mar. 2020)
Topic: Quebec SPOR SUPPORT Unit - Methodological developments platform
Lead: Alain Vanasse (Sherbrooke)
Co-PIs: Janusz Kaczorowski (Montréal), France Légaré (Laval), Pierre Pluye (McGill), Antoine Boivin (Montréal), Vincent Dumez (Montréal), Benoit Mâsse (Montréal), Jean-François Éthier (Sherbrooke), Elham Rahme (McGill), & Tibor Schuster (McGill)
(CIHR $16M + FRQS $5.5M
MSSS $10.5M)
(My %: $10,336)
Year 2019
[71] Co-investigator, Zayed University Research Incentive Fund (Oct. 2018~Oct. 2019)
Topic: Deep learning on smart cities data for reducing CO2 Emissions
 AED149,600 = C$52,202
[70] Principal investigator, McGill Start-up Grant (Sept. 2013~Aug. 2024)  C$15,000
[69] Principal investigator, NSERC Engage Grants (Aug. 2018~Aug. 2019)
Health Insurance Fraud Detection and Characterization
C$68,777 (NSERC C$24,074
Segic C$44,703)
[68] Co-PI, Zayed University Research Cluster Award (Early 2016~Early 2019)
Securing Critical Cyber Infrastructures for Smart Cities
Year 2018
[67] Principal investigator, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) (Dec. 2014~Mar. 2018)
Topic: Assembly Code Data Mining
[66] Principal investigator, NSERC Discovery Grants (Individual) (Apr. 2013~Mar. 2018)
Topic: Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing for Health Data Mining 
[65] Principal investigator, CFI John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) (Apr. 2016~Mar. 2018)
Topic: Basic Infrastructure for Data Mining in Cybersecurity and Privacy 
Year 2017
[64] Co-investigator, Networks of Centres of Excellence of Canada Knowledge Mobilization (NCE-KM) Smart Cybersecurity Network (SERENE-RISC)  (2014~2017) C$1,600,000
[63] Co-investigator, Hong Kong General Research Fund (GRF) (Sept. 2014~Aug. 2017)
Topic: Differentially Private Publication of Network Data via Density-Based Exploration and Reconstruction
HK$500,000 = C$85,574
[62] Principal investigator, McAlear Management Inc.: Research Contract (Sept. 2016~Mar. 2017)
Topic: A secure protocol for credential exchange: Using hardware compartmentalization to protect critical transactions from malware access
[61] Principal investigator, Zayed University Research Contract (Dec. 2014~Mar. 2017)
Topic: Arabic authorship in online written communication for cybercrime investigation and detection
[60] Principal investigator, Zayed University Research Contract (Feb. 2015~Mar. 2017)
Topic: Privacy-Preserving Crime Data Mining for Cybercrime Investigation & Detection
[59] Co-investigator, Zayed University Research Incentive Fund (Feb. 2015~Mar. 2017)
Topic: Privacy-Preserving Data Mining for Cybercrime Investigation & Detection
[58] Co-investigator, SSHRC Partnership Grant
Topic: InterPARES Trust 
Year 2016
[57] Co-investigator, DND/NSERC Research Partnership Grants (Aug. 2013~Jul. 2016)
Topic: Software Fingerprinting for Automated Malicious Code Analysis
[56] Co-investigator, SSHRC Insight Development Grants (Jun. 2014~May 2016)
Topic: Cross-national Consumer Research: Modelling Fashion Shoppers’ Behaviour and Preferences
[55] Co-investigator, Zayed University Research Incentive Fund (Jan. 2015~Mar. 2016)
Topic: Mining Cyber-Intelligence from Social Media for Cybercrimes Detection
Year 2015
[54] Co-investigator, DND/NSERC Research Partnership Grants (Feb. 2012~Jan. 2015)
Topic: On the Distributed Monitoring of Adaptive Operational Plan Execution 
[53] Co-investigator, Zayed University (Feb. 2013~Mar. 2015)
Topic: Establishing Centre of Excellence in Cyber-physical Security
[52] Principal investigator, Zayed University Research Contract (Feb. 2013~Mar.2015)
Topic: Secure and Privacy-Preserving Querying of Personal Health Records on the Cloud
[51] Co-investigator, Zayed University Research Incentive Fund (Feb. 2013~Mar. 2015)
Topic: Secure and Privacy-Preserving Querying of Personal Health Records on the Cloud
[50] Principal investigator, Zayed University Research Contract (Feb. 2013~Mar. 2015)
Topic: Messaging Forensics for Cybercrime Investigation and Detection
[49] Co-investigator, Zayed University Research Incentive Fund (Feb. 2013~Mar. 2015)
Topic: Messaging Forensics for Cybercrime Investigation and Detection
Year 2014
[48] Co-investigator, Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT) team research project program (Apr. 2011~Mar. 2014)
Topic: Towards a Unified Approach to Detecting, Analyzing, Mitigating, and Investigating Botnets
Year 2013
[47] Principal investigator, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) (Dec. 2012~Mar. 2013)
Topic: Semantic Code Clone Search
[46] Co-investigator, NSERC Strategic Project Grants (Sept. 2010~Aug. 2013)
Topic: Security and Privacy of User-Generated Data for Personalized Cloud Computing Services
[45] Principal investigator, NSERC Discovery Grants (Individual) (Apr. 2008~Mar. 2013)
Topic: Privacy-Preserving RFID Systems for Data Analysis
Year 2012
[44] Principal applicant, Concordia Aid to Research Related Events, Publication, Exhibition and Dissemination Activities Program (ARRE), Entretiens Jacques-Cartier (Jun. 2011~May. 2012)
[43] Principal investigator, Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT) new researchers start-up program (Apr. 2010~Mar. 2012)
Topic: Privacy-Preserving Data Mining for Cybercrime Investigations / Protection de la vie privée et exploration de données dans les enquêtes sur le délit informatique
[42] Graduate Student Support Program (GSSP), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (Sept. 2011~Apr. 2012) C$14,666.5
[41] Graduate Student Support Program (GSSP), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (Jun. 2011~Apr. 2012) C$21,250
[40] Principal investigator, Concordia Accelerator Funding Program (Individual Stream) (Jun. 2011~May 2012)
Topic: Chat Log Mining for Cybercrime Investigation
Acceptance ratio: 35/78 = 45%
[39] Principal investigator, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) (Nov. 2011~Mar. 2012)
Topic: Code clone search
[38] Deputy Study Project Manager, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC): Centre for Security Science (CSS) - Public Security Technical Program (PSTP)
Topic: The objective of this project is to enhance Internet security.
Year 2011
[37] Principal investigator, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) (Feb. 2011~Mar. 2011)
Topic: Survey of Code Clone Detection
[36] Principal investigator, Concordia Seed Funding Program (Team) (May 2010~Apr. 2011)
Topic: Data Mining Techniques for Cyber Security Response Systems
Co-investigator: Amr Youssef
[35] Graduate Student Support Program (GSSP), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (Jun. 2010~Apr. 2011) C$36,250
Year 2010
[34] Principal investigator, National Cyber-Forensics Training Alliance Canada (NCFTA Cda) (Apr. 2009~Mar. 2010)
Topic: Text Mining for Cybercrime Investigation and Detection
[33] Principal investigator, Concordia Seed Funding Program (Individual Stream) (Jun. 2009~May 2010)
Topic: Privacy Protection in Data Sharing and Data Mining for Cybercrime Investigations
Acceptance ratio: 39/60 = 65%
[32] Graduate Student Support Program (GSSP), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (Jun. 2009~May 2010) C$27,125
[31] ECrimes Summit 2010, Concordia University (Nov. 2010) C$10,830
Year 2009
[30] Co-investigator, Concordia Seed Funding Program (2008~2009)
Topic: Techniques for Combating and Mitigating Online Identity Theft
Principal investigator: Amr Youssef (CIISE)
[29] Co-PI, Concordia Seed Funding Program (2008~2009)
Topic: Energy Use Data Mining, Life Cycle Cost Analysis, and Optimization Studies for the Design of High Performance Green Buildings
Principal investigator: Fariborz Haghighat (BCEE)
[28] Principal investigator, Concordia ENCS Faculty Start-up Funds (Dec. 2007~May 2009)
Topic: Privacy-Preserving RFID Systems for Data Analysis
[27] Concordia ENCS Teaching Fellow (Winter 2009) C$2,500
Year 2008
[26] Co-applicant, Concordia ENCS Aid to Research Related Events, Publication, Exhibition and Dissemination Activities (2008)
Topic: Workshop on Recent Trends in IT Security
Principal applicant: Mourad Debbabi (CIISE)
[25] Nominated by the School of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University for NSERC Doctorial Prizes  
[24] Nominated by the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Simon Fraser University for CAGS/UMI Distinguished Dissertation Awards  
Year 2007
[23] NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship Doctoral Award (2005-2~2007-1) +
Topic: Data Mining-based Privacy Protection
[22] Clark, Wilson Graduate Scholarship in Expert Systems (2007-1) * C$1,400
[21] Gordon, Monica, and Sonia Eppich Graduate Scholarship in Expert Systems (2007-1) * C$700
Year 2006
[20] Graduate Fellowship (2006-3), Dean of Graduate Studies, Simon Fraser University * C$6,000
[19] Borden Ladner Gervais Graduate Scholarship in Expert Systems (2006-1) * C$1,000
Year 2005
[18] Graduate Fellowship (2005-3), Dean of Graduate Studies, Simon Fraser University * C$6,000
[17] Graduate Fellowship (2005-2), Dean of Graduate Studies, Simon Fraser University * C$6,000
[16] Deskin Sales Graduate Scholarship in Expert Systems (2005-1) * C$700
[15] NSERC Graduate Student Conference Travel Support (2005-1),
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
[14] Applied Science Graduate Student Conference Travel Grants (2005-1), Faculty of Applied Sciences, Simon Fraser University C$350
[13] CSGSA Travel Support (2005-2), Simon Fraser University C$167.09
[12] SFSS Travel Support (2005-2), Simon Fraser University C$100
Year 2004
[11] President's Ph.D. Research Stipend (2004-3), Dean of Graduate Studies, Simon Fraser University * C$6,000
[10] Graduate Fellowship (2004-2), Dean of Graduate Studies, Simon Fraser University * C$6,000
[9] B.C. Welding Supplies Ltd. Graduate Scholarship in Expert Systems
(2004-1) *
[8] Backwater Industries Ltd. Jost Family Graduate Scholarship in Expert Systems (2004-1) * C$700
Year 2003
[7] Century 21 Charlwood Family Graduate Scholarship in Expert Systems (2003-1) * C$700
[6] Graduate Student Travel Support Grants, Centre for System Science, Simon Fraser University (2003-2) C$350
Year 2002
[5] Graduate Fellowship (2002-3), Dean of Graduate Studies, Simon Fraser University * C$4,800
[4] ABC Recycling Ltd. Graduate Scholarship in Expert Systems (2002-1) * C$700
[3] Backwater Industries Ltd. Jost Family Graduate Scholarship in Expert Systems (2002-1) * C$700
[2] Canadian Liquid Air Ltd. Graduate Scholarship in Expert Systems
(2002-1) *
[1] Jardine Rolfe Ltd. Graduate Scholarship in Expert Systems (2002-1) * C$700
+ Criteria of this national scholarship include academic excellence, research potential, communication skills and interpersonal and leadership abilities.

* The criteria for these awards are:
a) demonstrated academic excellence at the undergraduate level, if applicable, at the graduate level.
b) promise of outstanding achievement at the graduate level with particular emphasis on intellectual ability, originality and ability in research.

My Supervisory Committee at Simon Fraser University